Jerry Lewis started his career as a singer and musician before becoming a comedian

Jerry Lewis was one of the most successful entertainers of the 20th century. He started his career as a singer and musician, and he quickly became known for his comedic talent. Lewis was particularly skilled at physical comedy, and he often used props and costumes to create hilarious scenes.

He also had a gift for mimicry, and he could imitate famous celebrities and politicians. In addition to his work in film and television, Jerry Lewis was also a successful businessman. He founded the Jerry Lewis Telethon, which raises money for charity, and he also created the Jerry Lewis Comedy School, which trains aspiring comedians.

Throughout his career, Jerry Lewis demonstrated his incredible talents as a performer, comedian, and businessman. Thanks to his hard work and dedication, Jerry Lewis left a lasting legacy in the world of entertainment.

He got his big break on the Dean Martin Show in the early 1950s

Jerry Lewis got his big break on the Dean Martin Show in the early 1950s. The two had previously worked together on several comedy sketches, and their chemistry was undeniable. When the Dean Martin Show started looking for new talent, Jerry Lewis was an obvious choice.

He quickly became a fan favorite, thanks to his hilarious antics and impeccable timing. For nearly a decade, Jerry Lewis was one of the most popular comedians on television. However, in the 1960s, he began to focus more on his film career.

He starred in a number of successful comedies, including The Nutty Professor and The Bellboy. Though he continued to make occasional appearances on television, Jerry Lewis’s film career was his true legacy.

Jerry Lewis became known for his physical comedy and slapstick humor

He was especially known for his physical comedy and slapstick humor, which were often on display in his popular films The Nutty Professor and The Bellboy.

Lewis also had a successful career as a director, helming such classics as The King of Comedy and The Ladies Man. In all, Jerry Lewis was one of the most popular entertainers of his generation, and his comedic talent is still revered by many today.

He starred in a number of hit movies throughout the 1950s and 1960s

Jerry Lewis was one of the most popular actors of his generation. His films were full of physical comedy and zany characters, and he had a knack for making audiences laugh. Lewis first came to prominence in the 1950s with a string of successful films like “The Bellboy” and “The Nutty Professor.”

He continued to star in hits throughout the 1960s, including “The Patsy” and “The Family Jewels.” Lewis was also a skilled director, and he helmed some of his most popular films, such as “The Ladies Man” and “The Nutty Professor.”

In later years, Lewis became known for his tireless charity work, raising millions of dollars for the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Jerry Lewis was a true Hollywood legend, and his films are still loved by audiences today.

5 facts about the life of Jerry Lewis:

1. Lewis was known for his physical comedy and slapstick humor.

2. He appeared in over 60 films during his career.

3. Lewis was the founder of the Jerry Lewis MDA Labor Day Telethon which raised money for the Muscular Dystrophy Association.

4. He was inducted into the French Legion of Honor in 1983.

5. A asteroid was named after Jerry Lewis in 2010.

“I don’t want people to laugh at me. I want them to laugh with me.”

– Jerry Lewis